How financial education impacts the individual and organization

The impact of nudge

We believe financial wellbeing is an outcome.

Globally, more people are aware of the precariousness of their financial situation. 44% are anxious about their finances.

Organizations recognize their responsibility, and the opportunity they have to tackle the problem. 89% of HR leaders said improving the financial health of their people was the top priority of their employee benefit and wellbeing programmes.

To address the challenge using comprehensive mixed-method qualitative and quantitative research, our impartial research partner Censuswide analyzed and compared nudge users with non-nudge users. The findings reveal the positive and practical impact financial education has on both individuals and organizations.

Download this research paper to explore the impact that nudge’s impartial financial education has on:

  • Improving financial health.
  • Increasing uptake of employee benefits.
  • Driving wider business impact.

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