Global benefit edu-action webinar write up

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Global benefit edu-action webinar write up

On the 4th of October 4pm BST, we invited global leaders in rewards, wellbeing, and financial wellness to discuss and share insight on the most efficient and effective ways to, ‘Drive awareness, understanding and action on benefits through education’. 

Tim Perkins, nudge co-founder and CEO was joined by esteemed HR leaders, Luke DeBoer, Financial Wellbeing Manager, Delta and Barry O’Brien, Senior Director, Total Rewards, Pepsico. Tim started the event by outlining the issue perfectly, “You've got the employee benefits that people need to solve their financial issues. However, as I'm sure you found, communicating your benefits, and driving take up is hard. Particularly globally.”  

Why? Because 76% of employees have experienced challenges around their benefits, particularly understanding and making the most of what’s available to them.  

Tim kicked the session off by identifying some market trends that outline the scale of the education opportunity in benefits. 

Global trends and insights for nudge’s analytics dashboard 

India and scams 

nudge data people in India are being seriously affected by scams, 80% of people in India say that they've lost money due to fraud and complicated by crypto. 

Debt in UAE 

We've seen a big spike in people in the UAE learning and engaging with content around debt as it is now decriminalized to be in debt in UAE.  

US and vehicle costs 

We've noticed more interest from people in the US who want to learn about finances related to vehicles and travel. The annual cost of vehicle ownership is high everywhere but has been very high in the US.  

Here are the 3 steps to deliver benefit edu-action, and examples from our experts for each stage:  

Driving awareness 

When it comes to driving awareness, the most crucial step for both Delta and Pepsico is using multiple layers of data to understand their people (from listening to surveys), and since both global organizations have people in different situations – from the air, to offices, to warehouses - an omnichannel approach is essential to reach their diverse global employee communities: 

“A lot of our people being are in the air, traveling, and we have many different divisions [at Delta] and they all need different, varying modes of communication. So we cannot, and will not, have a singular form of communication to reach our different employee divisions.” Luke DeBoer, Delta. 

“We use a lot of the different channels that are available to us and sometimes we need to get very creative… We do quite a bit of listening and surveys to give us an education into the channels that specific cohorts would prefer.” Barry O’Brien, Pepsico. 


Again, both Delta and Pepisco rely on insights, directly from the employee discussions on internal communication channels, to bring deeper understanding of what’s impacting people.  

“We take a personal financial planning perspective on our benefits. And ask ourselves blinded questions such as, what should our people be doing? What's on their minds? And by that, I mean not necessarily the features, but the benefits. What are they working towards? When people save in a 401k, for example, they're by and large not thinking about all the features, they're thinking about stopping working one day through retirement, right? So, we think about the benefit, not in terms of the employer base benefits, but rather the ultimate benefit of taking action in mind.” Luke DeBoer, Delta. 

“More than 50% of our calls are not with the actual employee but with the spouse or partner. Because within the family, the person who's manages the finances for the family might not be your employee. That insight immediately unlocked thinking on to how engage employees’ family members.” Barry O’Brien, Pepsico. 

Driving action 

Finally, the aspect that the audience is most interested in, finding out real-live examples of how to encourage employees through education to engage and take up the benefits that are on offer. Delta has implemented a successful incentive campaign, and Pepsico is utilizing personalized, persona based, education to integrate their benefit ecosystem. 

“We told our people, hey, if you participate in this program and accomplish some simple tasks, we'll give you a thousand dollars. And that was directed straight into their emergency savings account. That $1,000 was broken up into 2 sub-contributions of 750 and was put into eligible employees’ accounts. Once they completed financial education and at least one financial coaching session.” Luke DeBoer, Delta. 

“We are starting by focusing on building financial literacy which will be a multi-year journey through a partnership with nudge. I'm super excited about the ability to drive action and learning through the nudge’s content and signposting our folks within the ecosystem. We probably have every benefit that exists out there so how do we help connect the experience, and how do we actually feed the benefit ecosystem for our employees and their individual needs?” Barry O’Brien, Pepisco. 

Interested in watching the full webinar, access through the form below.

Or you can find out more about the ebook, 'Global benefit edu-action: How to drive awareness, understanding and action on benefits through education.'

Global benefit edu-action webinar recording

Watch on-demand now