Do you know... how to make your money green?

5 min read

Do you know... how to make your money green?

In our ‘Do you know?’ series we uncover some of the personal finance hints and tips that we share on our platform to help people take control of their money and build a brighter financial future.

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, wrapped up in Glasgow last month. Now global leaders have made further commitments to fighting climate change, this is the perfect opportunity to think about what more you could be doing to help the planet.

You’re probably already well aware of what it means to live sustainably ─ recycling, biking or walking instead of driving, eating less meat and so on. But are you paying enough attention to one of the most powerful weapons you have against this crisis - your money?

Shopping ‘green’ is one thing you could do. However, there are lots of other ways to make your financial decisions more eco-friendly too. And here are some of the learning modules we share on nudge to help people do so.

1. Learn all about sustainable banking

Did you know that your bank invests all the money you pay into your accounts? This is how they make a profit. While there’s nothing wrong with that in itself, there’s a chance they could be investing your cash in sectors that harm the planet, like the fossil fuel industry. On nudge we explain what sustainable banking looks like and how to find a provider who aligns with your morals.

2. Discover the power of ethical investing

The aim of investing is to make a profit, but that doesn’t mean you have to do so at the expense of the planet. Ethical investing gives you the opportunity to grow your money and support companies doing great things for the environment. On nudge we provide interactive learning modules on how to invest ethically.

3. Watch out for green washing
It’s great that you want to turn your finances green ─ but beware. Companies know you want to use your money for positive change, so many will exaggerate their green credentials to get hold of your hard-earned cash. This is called ‘greenwashing’, and nudge provides informative guides to help you avoid being taken in by companies employing this tactic.

4. Live a sustainable life no matter the budget

Climate change affects everybody so our budget shouldn’t be a barrier to supporting the cause. On nudge we share easy tips to live a more sustainable way.

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